02 Nov

It is true that you can safely get rid of excessive fats and lose weight by practicing yoga. While many may simplify weight loss in terms of a basic calorie equation; there’s a lot that goes behind the struggle of losing weight. However, practicing yoga can undoubtedly provide a boost to your fitness routine.

Yoga not only encourages a healthier lifestyle but when added to your daily routine helps you lose weight effectively giving much long-lasting results. The increasing measures of weight on the weighing machines of people in the UAE have also made them go to the earliest yoga events near them.

safely reduce weight with yoga

As yoga can be your complete fitness package which emphasizes on listening to your body needs first and then bringing positive changes into it by opting for practices to get you started. Thus, it is good to attend yoga events for live yoga sessions and listen to yogis to start your journey of losing weight with yoga.

Read Also : Six benefits of yoga events for senior citizens

This article aims to provide you the names of best yoga practices to ease your journey of effective weight loss with yoga.

Types of yoga poses for safe weight loss

Just like you don’t directly start off with hard-core exercises when you are a beginner similar is the case with yoga. Make sure to warm up with gentle yoga poses and some basic leg stretches and pelvic tilts. Once, you’re warmed up; it is going to be the vinyasa classes that are going to help you most with burning calories.

Here are the top three yoga styles of vinyasa that can aid weight loss:

  • Ashtanga

This is a vigorous yoga form and requires dedication thus beginners are often suggested to sign up for Ashtanga classes for motivation or attend reputable yoga events for motivation and direction to start.

Once you’re familiar with the form; it won’t be any big deal to practice it daily on your own as ashtanga follows same set and series of poses that can be easily done at home.

  • Power Yoga

As the name says it all, it is another powerful yet popular yoga form that is even carried out at gyms and various health clubs. It is mostly aimed to further speed up the calorie-burning regime and focuses on boosting the ashtanga intensity while dispensing fixed sequence of poses. 

  • Hot Yoga

When vinyasa yoga is done in a hot room; it will ensure that you sweat enough o burn off fats. It is important to note here; that people often confuse hot yoga with bikram which are both different.

The later pose is the pioneering style of power yoga and includes set series of poses and a script created by Bikram choudry.

Want to start losing with yoga?

Its now or never! And there could be no best solution for instant and effective weight loss; other than yoga. Thus, whether you’re a beginner or a busy CEO running a business in the UAE and gaining weight due to stress; head towards near yoga events in Dubai and try out free yoga sessions with expert

Since yoga is certainly going to prove as a game-changer and sure to give you magical results!

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