08 Oct

A fitness routine should be every body’s daily routine. But is it so in Dubai? People are so busy in their work that they forget they have a body to take care of. How many people around you are fat? How many of them think it’s a serious health problem? How many of those who consider it a health problem is doing something about it? You need to ponder on the answers to these questions.

There’s a lot of obesity and very little concern among people in Dubai. Thus the state, non-governmental organizations, doctors, and activists need to play their part in spreading awareness. With better awareness levels, people will organize and attend fitness exhibitions Dubai. Such events are important because an individual’s unhealthy lifestyle can have a negative influence on the coming generation.

 In the case of Dubai, it’s the majority of society. So carelessness regarding the issue can be detrimental to the future of this hub of trade and commerce. 

fitness exhibitions

Why is there a significant need for fitness events in Dubai?

Dubai is a very important place in the work at this point. If people in Dubai will have deteriorated health, the future of the state will fall in jeopardy. Following are the reasons which emphasize this need further:

  • High rates of obesity

According to statistics, 12 percent population in Dubai is overweight. This fact alone highlights the need for people in Dubai to realize what’s wrong with their lifestyle. They need to work towards leading a long, and healthy life.

Health consultants in the UAE say that People who are overweight are not only okay with their bodies, but they are happy with their fat bodies. They do not realize how harmful extra fat is for them.

The damages associated with extra fats must not be ignored because they are massive. Studies say that in the UAE, 19.6 percent of the men and 18.5 percent of women suffer from high cholesterol levels.

  • Lack of awareness

People are too busy making a wealthy fortune for themselves and making their next generation financially stable. Hence they do not pay heed to their health. A common practice is to consult a doctor whenever there is an illness.

But very few people take enough care of themselves to avoid illness completely. Around 37% of all overweight people realize that it is a problem. But the rest are not aware. But who will tell these people that weight management is very important to lead an active and healthy life.

  • Luxurious and carefree lifestyle

It is a common perception that people in the UAE became fat after the discovery of oil. This signifies that there was a sudden lifestyle change among the masses with economic prosperity, which followed the discovery of oil reserves.

Read Also : Pro Tips to Ensure Healthy Lifestyle 

More and more people keep coming to Dubai, initiating business and settling along with their families. Thus most people there are business owners with frivolous lifestyles. These people do not care about eating healthy or spending a scheduled day to maintain their mental and physical health.

Thus, people need to engage in awareness campaigns and fitness exhibitions in Dubai. Events and activities like these will help spread awareness for people. Thus people will begin to take part in healthy activities and figure out their unhealthy daily practices.

Do you think Health events are important?

If you are a resident of Dubai, you must know a lot of people around you who do not take adequate care of their health. Many of them might not even be aware of what their excessive fat can do to their healthy life.

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